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DBZ pc-engine

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        Oui, Hu-Go! fait tourner des ISOs; voici la liste (site officiel), en bas de page: can also use hugo without the gui, just type
        hugo [ROM] [BACKUPMEM] [OPTION] where ROM is the name of the
        ROM or ISO or ISQ or HCD. Check out the HCD section later for details.

        --[ HCD ]--------------------------------------------------------------------

        Then what is this new format.
        HCD means : Hu-Go! Cd Definition. Such a file allow you to use multi-code
        CDs and emulate audio tracks with MP3
        It's only a beginning and there are still troubles with ISQ to emulate
        Code tracks but it should work fine later.
        HCD are divided in sections :
        for main info :

        that indicates the first and last track (easy)


        which are the default path for ISO and MP3 files, convenient when moving
        of directory e.g.
        If you don't specify anything there, the default path is the .HCD one


        where X is 0 or 1. Use to enable this mode (see in command line option)
        when launching a particular HCD. (Now, this mode is 'no bios' but for
        obvious compatibility reason, I've not changed the name...)

        Then for each track you can find a section :
        where you'll find :


        i.e. the filename of the file to use to emulate this track (.ISO or .ISQ
        for code or .MP3 for audio)
        then :


        that specify if the track is a code one (audio is default)
        et finally


        to specify the beginning of the track in LSN format (# of sector since the
        beginning of the first one) or LBA (# of sector since the beginning of the
        CD) or MSF (theoricaly, only LSN really tested) (as for MSF, just do :
        add zeros if compulsory)
        even if just a beginning, it allows playing multi-code tracks
        and MP3 in games. (even if .MP3 control isn't yet perfect)
        You'll find an example in the archive.

        There's now another mode available. It's the cd one.
        and you'll have the ability to fake a track from the .hcd file with a
        track coming from a real cd.
        In this mode, you have 2 mode fields:
        which specify the drive in which is the track you want to use, using the
        format in which the cd driver is used to. i.e. 0, 1 and such.. for aspi
        driver and letter D, E, and such for the mscdex driver.

        Then you can specify the number of the track to use on the cd driver with
        If you don't specify this field, the default value for the track field will
        be the track number of the track to fake.

        You can also use patching functions


        where XX is the number of patch you want to apply



        where X goes from 0 to patch_number-1 and two hexa numbers represent
        the offset and new val of the patch in the ISO file.

        On the same model, you can also find a way of adding subtitle when audio
        tracks are played (even if you don't own the MP3 for it). You can choose
        the number of subtitles with :


        where XX is the number of subtitle you want to have for the track.

        You can also choose to synchronize the subtitles with the game or the
        music with


        if XX = 0, synchronisation is done with the game as in the first release
        supporting it, else it's synchronised with music and you can replace
        the words 'number of frame' by '60th of sec' in the following explanation,
        concerning the meaning of the begin field.

        Then, for each subtitle, you must choose the time where it should begin,
        its duration and the message to display.
        The syntax is as follow :


        where XX is the number of the subtitle (XX is between 0 and subtitle_number-1)
        <begin> is the number of frame elapsed since the beginning of the track.
        There's normally 60 frame per sec but using the number of frame instead
        of time make subtitles synchronized with the real game and not the music.
        Since it's harder to guess how many frame have been displayed, I've added
        a display of such a number with the tilde key. The value that you'll see
        when pressing the key is the exact value you'll have to put in the <begin>
        field (ajusting them a bit if needed...)
        The <duration> field is in 60th of second, i.e. putting 60 there will
        display the message for 1 sec and finally, the last field is the message
        that will be displayed. It shouldn't contain any comma.
        One last thing : you must sort the subtitle according to the order of
        Don't hesitate looking at the example or sending a mail if needed.


