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"LanceEmulateurAmiga.exe -NoWindow"
Ajout de jeux : Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design + Data Disks (HD) Retro Wars Episode IV 0.25 Violator Correction de jeux : Dragon's Lair Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle -> (WHDLoad) Millennium 2.2 -> (WHDLoad) Renommage de jeux : Millenium 2.2 -> Millennium 2.2 (HD) Correction de documentation : Buffalo Bill West Show Enchanted Land H.A.T.E. Oil Imperium Red Zone Terrorpods The Immortal Ajout de Documentation : Apidya Awesome ATR - All Terrain Racing Battle Chess Benefactor Cannon Fodder Cannon Fodder 2 Dragon's Lair Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf Mad Show Operation Thunderbolt Seven Gates Of Jambala Silkworm Stardust