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Ajout de jeux : 89 - La Revolution Francaise 'Nam 1965-1975 Alco-Copter Alpha-1 Ashes Of The Empire BabeAnoid Bangboo Binary Billiards II Simulator Bomb Jack Beer Edition Champions Of Krynn Champion Of The Raj Chariots Of Wrath Code name Hell Squad Cubulus Crimson Crown Cybersphere Plus D-Day - The Beginning Of The End D.R.A.G.O.N. Force - Where Negotiations End Day Of The Viper Denaris Dogfight - 80 Years Of Aerial Warfare Double Agent Dr. Cube's Magic Lands Evil's Doom F1 F-16 Combat Pilot FIFA International Soccer First Contact Football Manager Galaxy '89 Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design + Data Disks JYP Fighters Indigo Inherit The Earth Legend of Faerghail Lemmings (version 1 disk) Lemmings (version book club) Legend Of Djel Locomotion (Byte Back) Lollypop Lost In Mine Manchester United - The Official Computer Game Manix MegaBlast Mike The Magic Dragon Mini Golf Plus Mobsters City More! Lemmings Nightdawn Olympique de Marseille - Super Football OsWALD Of The Ice Floes Over The Net Player Manager 2 Player Manager 2 Extra - The Chase For Glory Poing 7 Protector (Virgin Mastertronic) Pyramax Quadrix Red Storm Rising Renaissance 1 Retro Wars Episode IV 0.25 Right Way Right Way - Easter edition Roketz (v1.39) Sky High Stuntman Sooty & Sweep Space Rogue Starbirds StarTrash Steel Steigar <Projet Marsien Secret> Super Grand Prix Super OsWALD Syndicate American Revolt (Niveau Amiga Format) Top Secret Tracker Hero Transylvania Vektor Storm Violator Vroom (+ Datadisk) Wanderer 3D Wayne Gretzky Hockey Xorron 2001 Ajout de demos : 242 (Fairlight & Virtual Dreams) Amos Tribute (Infinite) Falling Up (Analog) Hot Dots (Coma) Human Traffic (Ghostown - Loonies) Mind Expanding (Melon) planet m. (Melon) Prism (Melon) Thanktro (Ghostown) The Fall (Deadliners - Lemon) The Tetris Intro - legalize it 3 (Melon) Zener Drive (Altair) Ajout de softs : IFF Converter (Workbench 3.1) LHA (Workbench 3.1) PackMaster (Workbench 3.1) Shoot 'Em-Up Construction Kit (SEUCK) Soundbox (Workbench 3.1) Xcopy October 92 Xcopy September 93 (Workbench 3.1) Ajout de Documentation : 'Nam 1965-1975 4D Sports Driving Apidya Ashes Of The Empire Awesome ATR - All Terrain Racing Battle Chess Benefactor Billiards II Simulator Cannon Fodder Cannon Fodder 2 Chariots Of Wrath Champions Of Krynn Champion Of The Raj Code name Hell Squad Cubulus D-Day - The Beginning Of The End Day Of The Viper DemoMaker RSI (FR) D.R.A.G.O.N. Force - Where Negotiations End Dogfight - 80 Years Of Aerial Warfare Dragon's Lair Evil's Doom F-16 Combat Pilot Feud FIFA International Soccer Flight Of The Amazon Queen Indigo Inherit The Earth Jack Nicklaus' Greatest 18 Holes of Major Championship Golf Karate Kid Part II Kick Off Kick Off 2 Legend of Faerghail Legend Of Djel Les voyageurs du temps Mad Show Manchester United - The Official Computer Game Manix Mobsters City Nightdawn Olympique de Marseille - Super Football Operation Thunderbolt Over The Net P47 Thunderbolt Player Manager 2 Player Manager 2 Extra - The Chase For Glory Red Storm Rising Renaissance 1 Seven Gates Of Jambala Shadow Of The Beast II Silkworm Sky High Stuntman Space Rogue Stardust Steel <Projet Marsien Secret> Syndicate Test Drive Test Drive II Voyage Au Centre De La Terre Correction de jeux : 4D Sports Driving -> (HD + ajout Data Disk) BAT -> (WHDLoad) Civilization -> config Amiga 4000 Cluedo Master Detective -> IPF Croisière Pour Un Cadavre -> WHDLoad Crystal Hammer -> Crystal Hammer V2 + WHDLoad Diggers (changement config) Dragon's Lair Dragon's Lair - Escape from Singe's Castle -> WHDLoad Dragon Spirit -> Atari ST color fix Dragons Breath -> (WHDLoad + FR) Flight Of The Amazon Queen -> (HD + FR) Ghost Battle (-> extended ADF) Hammer Boy -> Atari ST color fix Human Killing Machine Karate Kid Part II -> changement d'ADF Kick Off -> IPF + Datadisk Kick Off 2 -> IPF + Datadisks Lemmings2 (IPF) Lotus Turbo Esprit Challenge III (autres dumps) Millennium 2.2 -> WHDLoad Murders In Space -> Atari ST color fix OnEscapee -> Activation Joystick P47 Thunderbolt Penthouse Hot Numbers Deluxe Red Heat Shadow Of The Beast II -> WHDload Switchblade II (viewport) Syndicate + American Revolt -> WHDLoad Test Drive -> IPF + Viewport Test Drive II -> WHDLoad + Viewport The Faery Tale Adventure -> WHDLoad The Untouchables -> Atari ST color fix Traps 'n' Treasures -> WHDLoad Ween (changement disque 3) Correction de documentation : Buffalo Bill West Show Dragons Breath -> (Lien bouton lanceur + FR) Enchanted Land H.A.T.E. Oil Imperium Populous -> FR Red Zone Terrorpods -> FR The Immortal Correction de softs : Classic Workbench (HDF -> VHD) Changement d'image Preview : Dragon Spirit Flight Of The Amazon Queen Hammer Boy Murders In Space P47 Thunderbolt The Untouchables Workbench 3.1 Renommage de jeux : Croisiere pour un cadavre -> Croisière Pour Un Cadavre Dragon's Breath -> Dragons Breath Kick Off -> Kick Off (+Data Disk) Kick Off -> Kick Off 2 (+Data Disks) Locomotion -> Locomotion (Kingsoft) Millenium 2.2 -> Millennium 2.2 (HD) Tennage Mutant Hero Turtles -> Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Tennage Mutant Ninja Turtles -> Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Test Drive II + Scenery Disks -> Test Drive II (+Data Disks) (HD) Turrican2 -> Turrican II - The Final Fight Traps n' Treasures -> Traps 'n' Treasures Multimedia : Mods exclusifs Holiday Lemmings 93 Divers : Suppression des fichiers *.UAEM dans les hds Evolution / Correction du script désactivation enfants Fichier parametres supplémentaires : * autofire joystick 1 * theme AmstradSnap * theme Overlay CommoXS Evolution fichier params suppl. Amiga 1200 usine Ajout du "mode borne" custom de Snapouille Mise à jour de la documentation générale