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    As I don't read/write french, I would like it if the site was translated to english. You might get many new visitors, too.

    Otherwise, this site is awesome. finally I get the working versions of my now rotten and unreadable diskettes.

    An english version is not in our project for the moment, because there are enough english sites for emulation news, and the roms are fully downloadable by non french speeking guys

    For information 35% of the visitors are japanese, and 30% are american...

    So I suppose that roms downloading for example is understandable easilly
    J'ai toujours rêvé d'un ordinateur qui soit aussi facile à utiliser qu'un téléphone.
    Mon rêve s'est réalisé: je ne sais plus comment utiliser mon téléphone (Bjarne Stroustrup, auteur du langage C++)

