Why are the links to download the MAME Roms for Raiden 3 & 4 plus all the Beach Head MAMES not working in the CHD MAME area? The CHD download links work but not the ROM links. Any help would be appreciated. Anyone know where I could find the ROM's?
Aucune annonce.
ROM download problems
We are currently working on improvements on our ROM management system. The current version has issues with games that are CHD based but with either no associated ROM file, or an undumped ROM file. In the case of Raiden 3, here is what is present in the MAME XML file:
<machine name="raiden3" sourcefile="taitotx.cpp">
<description>Raiden III (v2.01J)</description>
<manufacturer>MOSS / Seibu Kaihatsu</manufacturer>
<rom name="taito_type_x_bios.bin" size="65536" status="nodump" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
<disk name="raiden3_v2_01j" sha1="60142f765a0706e938b91cc41dc14eb67bd78615" region="ide:0:hdd:image" index="0" writable="yes"/>
<device_ref name="pentium3"/>
<device_ref name="screen"/>
<device_ref name="palette"/>
<chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Intel Pentium III" clock="733333333"/>
<display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="640" height="480" refresh="60.000000" />
<sound channels="0"/>
<input players="0">
<driver status="preliminary" emulation="preliminary" savestate="unsupported"/>
<feature type="sound" status="unemulated"/>
Same goes for Raiden 4:
<machine name="raiden4" sourcefile="taitotx.cpp">
<description>Raiden IV (v1.00J)</description>
<manufacturer>MOSS / Seibu Kaihatsu</manufacturer>
<rom name="taito_type_x_bios.bin" size="65536" status="nodump" region="maincpu" offset="0"/>
<disk name="raiden4_v1_00j" sha1="f5ad509f57067089e0217df6d05036484b06a41a" region="ide:0:hdd:image" index="0" writable="yes"/>
<device_ref name="pentium3"/>
<device_ref name="screen"/>
<device_ref name="palette"/>
<chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Intel Pentium III" clock="733333333"/>
<display tag="screen" type="raster" rotate="0" width="640" height="480" refresh="60.000000" />
<sound channels="0"/>
<input players="0">
<driver status="preliminary" emulation="preliminary" savestate="unsupported"/>
<feature type="sound" status="unemulated"/>
So the ROM files actually don't exist since they are not dumped (but this is from a MAME 0.198 XML file, maybe things changed since then).
The Beach Head games only use CHDs (XML "disk" entry), so no ROM is needed:
<machine name="bhead2k" sourcefile="globalvr.cpp">
<description>Beach Head 2000 Install - 05/27/03</description>
<manufacturer>Global VR</manufacturer>
<disk name="beachhead2000_5-27-2003" sha1="d4473a7fb9820f2e517a1e0609ec9e12f326fc06" region="ide:0:hdd:image" index="0" writable="no"/>
<device_ref name="pentium"/>
<chip type="cpu" tag="maincpu" name="Intel Pentium" clock="100000000"/>
<sound channels="0"/>
<input players="0">
<driver status="preliminary" emulation="preliminary" savestate="unsupported"/>
<feature type="sound" status="unemulated"/>
</machine>Dernière modification par Dinofly, 03 janvier 2020, 10h31.