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Emulateur gba link avec arrangement de 4 fenêtres

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    Comment faire pour avoir cette arrangement des 4 fenêtres d’émulateurs linkés de GBA comme dans cette video:

    video demostrativo emulacion en modo pack simple4 yoshisJUEGO: mario kart super circuitEMULACION: no$gba2.4fGRABACION: hypercam demo video emulation in singl...

    Gametronik (DMG) m'a donné la réponse, c'est No$GBA qu'il faut utiliser

    et il faut faire ca :

    How to use multiplayer
    put the GBA BIOS file in the emulator's folder, and rename it to "gba.rom"
    run No$GBA.exe
    pick a GBA image (no ZIP)
    go to "Options" / "Emulation setup"
    increase the number of "Emulated Gameboys"
    in "Link Gamepaks", set "Gamepaks in all GBA"
    in "Reset/Startup Entrypoint", set "GBA BIOS (Nintendo logo")
    click OK, you should then see 2 GBA screens side by side
    right click on the left window, click on "Link" so that the window comes back to normal.
    then redo the right-click and click "Link" , and here we go, the 2nd gameboy does boot!
    Please remember that the more gameboy's you emulate the stonger the pc will have to be!
    Dernière modification par Invité, 21 avril 2020, 18h21.

